Bar Chart

2-D Bar Chart is a UI component for rendering data.


name Str value serving as a unique identifier for this UI component. Serves as a title string rendered on the UI.

description - Description string rendered on the UI.

x - x-axis values.

y - y-axis values. In case of a multi-line chart, pass in a 2-dimensional list (list of list). In this case, the length of color and label should match the number of bar dataset.

label - label of the data. Default is the name of the chart. In the case of a multi-bar chart, should match the length of the number of bar dataset.

color - Choose the background color for the chart data as Hex color code as #123123 or a RGC color code as "rgb(200, 50, 150)". In the case of a multi-line chart, should match the length of the number of bar dataset.


from greppo import app

    name="A bar chart",
    description="A simple bar chart",
    x = ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
    y=[1, 2, 3, 4,],
    color="rgb(200, 50, 150)",

# Multi-bar chart
    name="A multi bar chart",
    description="A simple multi bar chart",
    x = ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
    y=[[3, 2, 1, 4],[3, 6, 2, 7]],
    label=['bar 1', 'bar 2'],
    color=["rgb(200, 50, 150)", "rgb(100, 50, 150)"],