Base Layer

The Base Layer is used to render the Map component on the UI.


provider Supports the usage of xyzservices. The provider takes in a string that contains the referece to the tile-provider. Example: provider = "CartoDB Positron"

name Str value serving as a unique identifier for this UI component. (Required when provider is not pased. otherwise, this value overrides the value from the provider.)

visible Boolean toggle to turn on or off a Base Layer. A Greppo App can have multiple Base Layers.

url URL representing the resource. (Required when provider is not pased. otherwise, this value overrides the value from the provider.)

attributions Usage attributions for the data.

subdomains To point to the right subdomain of the URL passed.

min_zoom Min zoom level of the tile layers.

max_zoom Max zoom level of the tile layers.


from greppo import app

    name="CartoDB Light",
    attribution='&copy; <a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',

    provider = "CartoDB Positron"
# Possible alternative names:

provider = "CartoDB Positron"
provider = "cartodbpositron"
provider = "cartodb-positron"
provider = "carto db/positron"
provider = "CARTO_DB_POSITRON"
provider = "CartoDB.Positron"